2021: PROCEEDING KaPIN International Seminar 2021 Welcoming The Society 5.0 Era with Writing Litearacy Acceleration

Welcome Address
The Chair of The Organizing Committee Irena Vanessa Gunawan, S.T., M.Com.
Honorable invited keynote speakers, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome tp the 1st KaPIN International Seminar 2021. We are very delighted to have you all participate in this international meeting of highly intellectual people from Indonesian region and beyond. It is, indeed, a great pleasure for me to get the chance on behalf of the Organizing Committee to officially welcome you all to the 1st KaPIN International Seminar 2021 hosted by Universitas Kristen Maranatha in Bandung.
Praise and gratitude for the presence of God Almighty who continues to pour out His Grace to all of us and permit us to carry out International Seminars and Call for Papers with the theme “Welcoming Society 5.0 and Writing Literacy Acceleration”.
This seminar is in series with the launching of Komunitas Penulis Ilmiah Nusantara (KaPIN) or Nusantara Scientific Writers Community. This professional organization was formed to address the needs of scientific writers to be able to develop writing skills, collaborate in multidisciplinary ways and publish works that are devoted to the interests of the nation and state. Writing literacy becomes imperative when we enter the era of society 5.0 when most aspects of live move to cyberspace. Society of the future will require us to develop entirely new knowledge, skills, and competence in a fast manner. As a researcher and writer, we could take the role in helping society through dissemination of our writings, sharing our thoughtsm discoveries, and best practices like the materials being shared in this seminar and proceeding.
This first international seminar and proceeding also marks the beginning of routine collaborations from KaPIN members who are multidisciplinary academics from various universities all over Indonesia. We hope that this community can continue to grow in life with the development of its members, which can be achieved when members open up, share, teach one another.
We thank Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahmat, S.Sos.I., M.Pd., from Gorontalo University as The Initiator and Founder of KaPIN, Prof. Ir. Sri Widiyantoro, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU Rector of Maranatha Christian University as host and secretariat office of KaPIN, Dr. Dra. Rosida Tiurma Manurung, M.Hum., Chairman of KaPIN, Dr. Dra. Seriwati Ginting, M.Pd., as Head of International Seminar Committee and Cross Univiersties Committee, who work tirelessly and consistently prepare estabilishment documents, websites, batik designs, journals, proceedings, and all administrative process, and of course to all the members who have joined, all supporting parties who make this seminar a success. May God Almighty bless all of our good efforts.
Distinguished guests, ladies, and gentlemen, Thank you.
Irena Vanessa Gunawan, S.T., M.Com.
Chair of The Organizing Committee