The Effect of Cognitive Behabior Therapy (Cbt) on the Level of Anxiety of Chemotherapy Patients of Colorectal Cancer Long Cycle
Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Anxiety, Colorectal Cancer PatientsAbstract
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a malignant disease that is very heterogeneous, which is caused by the interaction between genetic factors and environmental factors. This disease is one of the malignancies with the highest prevalence and incidence in the world and an estimated 1.2 million people are diagnosed with CRC each year. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there will be an increase of 77% new cases of CRC and 80% of deaths due to CRC in 2030. Colorectal cancer patients often experience psychological disorders, one of which is anxiety. At Awal Bros Hospital, especially in the Chemotherapy room, there were still many patients who still showed anxiety, especially in patients in the early phase of undergoing chemotherapy, according to data that researchers got in December 2020 there were 32 patients suffering from gastrointestinal cancer, and there were 28 patients. who underwent adjuvant chemotherapy, and of the 28 people there were 20 people who still expressed anxiety during chemotherapy. This study aims to determine the effect of cognitive behavior therapy in reducing anxiety as an effort to optimize the mental function of colorectal cancer patients with chemotherapy. This study useda quasi experimental method without control, with a pre post test design approach. The study sample consisted of 20people with colorectal cancer who underwent 12 cycles of long cycle chemotherapy. The anxiety instruments used were STAI form Z-1 and Z-2. The intervention was given in the form of CBT with the mind over mood method for5 sessions. Based on quantitative measurements with the Wilcoxon Test, the p-value of 0.000 is smaller than <0.05, it can be concluded that “H0 is rejected”, or in other words there is an effect of cognitive behavior therapy to reduce the anxiety level of colorectal cancer patients who are undergoing long cycle chemotherapy.. It is recommended for the Awal Bros Hospital in Batam to provide special training for nurses who treat cancer and chemotherapy patients on how to approach and provide therapy for patients who experience anxiety so that patients can optimally undergo treatment.

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