The Restorative Justice in Shariah Perspective


  • Yuhelson
  • Ramlani Lina Sinaulan
  • Bambang Utoyo


Restorative Justice, Shariah Perspective


Criminal law enforcement through the Penal not the only beacon of hope to be able to completely solve the problem. In addition to efforts penal, in the context of the criminal policy of delinquency prevention can also be solved by non-penal. The application of restorative justice is a framework of thinking to find a way out in deciding actions in accordance with the conditions and development criminals. The existence of some weaknesses in the substance of criminal justice system, demanding the importance of implementation from restorative justice. In restorative justice, the parties involved in the whole process of reaching an agreement. Application of restorative justice involving the parties concerned have been rooted in Shariah.

