Qualitative study of Social Stigma Among Patients Post Covid-19
Covid 19, Stigma, Perception, AnxietyAbstract
Corona virus is a large family of viruses that cause diseases in humans and animals. In humans it usually causes respiratory infections, ranging from the common cold to seriousdiseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). In the world there are data confirming positive cases of COVID 19 as many as 58,900,547 people including the death toll of 1,393,305 people. The 5 countrieswith the highest cases of COVID 19 positive confirmation in the world are the United States, India, Brazil, Russia and France. In Indonesia, COVID 19 positive cases reached506,302 confirmed cases with 425,313 cases recovered and 16,111 cases of death. This study was conducted to find out the factors that are the cause of the phenomenon of stigma of society towards patients post COVID 19 in housing X pekanbaru city in 2020. Researchmethod with qualitative research is descriptive research and tends to use analysis and approach used in this study is a phenomenonological approach. Sample withdrawal withpurposive sample technique, the sample numbered 10 participants who had been stigmatised and willing to do interviews. The data analysis that researchers used in this study was the analysis of NVivo data with NVivo 12 plus software. The characteristics of the participants consisted of 4 men and 6 females, with an age range of > 28 years and < 45 years. Based on the results of interview analysis and the use of NVivo data analysisobtained 2 themes namely perception and anxiety. The conclusion of this study is that stigma is closely related to public perception and high anxiety levels so that there is a social stigma against post- COVID 19 patients in housing X.

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