Application Design of Gamikar (GAMIKAR) to Improve Understanding of Fire Mitigation Elementary School Students
Gamikar, students‘ understanding of fire mitigation, Elementary Schools.Abstract
This study was to determine the differences in the understanding students of fire mitigation, find out the students‘ responses in grade IV SDN 05 Ekok Tambai. The research method used experimental quasy experimental design. The data collection techniques used were measurement techniques using test questions, indirect communication techniques using questionnaires and documentation. The results showed that the students‘ understanding of fire mitigation in the experimental group is a significant difference. The results of the questionnaire on the pre-test were 24.62% for low criteria and for the post-test by 75% for high criteria. The control group students‘ understanding of fire mitigation in the pre-test and post-test obtained a Sig value (0.338>0.05), which means that there is no significant difference. The results of the questionnaire on the pre-test were 22.95%, with low criteria. and for the post-test of 23.95% low criteria. The results of the student response questionnaire to Gamikar were obtained 100% very good criteria. Based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded that fire mitigation games can improve students‘ understanding of fire mitigation.

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